The following resources are intended to aid and help alleviate the unique stresses and circumstances experienced by English learners during the difficult time of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Resources in non-English Languages
- Spanish Language CDC page:
- Handwashing poster in Bosnian (PDF)
Support for EL and Undocumented Communities
- Tangible Support for Undocumented Communities during COVID-19
Resources for undocumented immigrants from Immigrants Rising - A Conversation on Supporting ELL Students in a Remote Environment, with Shawn Cockrum hosted by Network for Educator Effectiveness (NEE)
- English Learner Supports during COVID-19 from Loyola Marymount University
- Instructions on asking for an interpreter at regional/state hotlines and a compilation of CDC guide translations in multiple languages, from the International Institute St. Louis
- Community Resources from the Immigrant Service Provider Network (Facebook)
- St. Louis volunteers are translating COVID-19 announcements into Spanish. Residents Lourdes Bailon and Gabriela Ramirez Arellano co-created the Facebook group STLJuntos to provide verified information and resources, including St. Louis city’s stay-at-home order, in Spanish. The pair is collaborating with Red Latina, a bilingual digital publication.
Resources for Educators and School Districts
- Webinars for Teaching English Learners and Working with Immigrant Families from Home: Education in the Time of COVID-19: Elementary Focus
- Ensuring Continuity of Learning and Operations from National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
- School Responses to COVID-19: ELL/Immigrant Considerations
How can schools and districts ensure that ELLs and their families are included in all communications and school closure plans related to COVID-19? Here are some considerations that can help individual educators, schools, and districts. – from ¡Colorín Colorado! - Guiding Principles for ELs and Distance Learning from Columbia Public Schools
- Sanford Harmony
Sanford Harmony gives teachers the tools to build trust, encourage problem-solving, and establish a positive learning environment. …All teachers receive access, at no cost, to more than 100 grade-specific lessons and learning objectives.” - Discover SORA
… a K-12 online book and audiobook platform nested under Overdrive. Overdrive is an online platform public library systems use to connect patrons with digital content through the patron’s library card. SORA has thousands of titles in many different languages! - Language Enterprise Resources for Persevering through COVID-19
“a running list of resources for teachers starting e-learning experiences, translators and interpreters looking for support, and language advocates wanting to take action”
General Resources